Thursday, 18 February 2010

Essence of Christianity : Soul and Spirit

James 1:21.
"So get rid of all uncleanness and the rampant outgrowth of wickedness, and in a humble (gentle, modest) spirit receive and welcome the Word which implanted and rooted [in your hearts] contains the power to save your souls." (Amplified)

In Matthew 7 Jesus said: “Judge not, that you be not judged. For with what judgment you judge, you will be judged; and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you”

Jesus was talking about human soulish judgement. We are never supposed to judge in this way, but from the spirit.

Paul says in 1 Cor 2:15 “But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one. For “who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct Him?” But we have the mind of Christ. (NKJV)

Paul was talking here about Spirit filled believers who walk in the spirit and are lead by their spirits, joined with the Spirit of God, not by their souls.

Galatians 5:16 Paul says “Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh” and also in verse 24 “And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit”.

Romans 8:1,2
“There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death”

For more about the soul and the spirit of man, refer to:
-Series from Shamah-elim (Recommended!!!)
-As well as “Healing the Broken Spirit” from John and Paula Sandford
-And teachings from Aurthur Burke from Plumline ministries

How deep the scars of sin are engraved in all of us!!! God wants to fix the cracks in the foundations. All the sin that brings forth death.

Healing means not only forgiveness through the blood of Christ, not only death on the cross to practice built in childhood in the hidden inner nature, not only resurrection to new life. It also means simple comfort and balm which repairs and restores. Is 53:4-6, 1:5,6.... From teachings - John and Paula Sandford,
See also section on the Dividing Axe
A life lead by the spirit or the soul

Refer : Table below, scroll down...

Spirit living, lead by the Holy Spirit

Soulish living

Fruit fed from

Tree of Life

Tree of knowledge of good and evil


Live from the righteousness and in the righteousness of Christ



Measured in relation to spiritual calling

Measured in relation to material things and worldly standards and norms

Bones (spiritual calling and destiny)

Gets strengthened

Eventually gets burned (1 Kings 13)


Done from the Spirit

Done from the Soul


Agape, Holy love

Eros, soul bonding love





In Spirit and Truth

Based on mental constructs of God. Worshipping

golden calf/historical Jesus (The cross minus)


To glorify God in everything

To try and be a good or


person (Perception of what is godly is based on religious understanding)


Bubbling from the spirit

Dependent upon what is fed to the soul


From the Holy Spirit, from the Throne room

From what is fed by people and circumstances

Decisions made by

The prompting of the Holy Spirit predominantly

Based on what is seen, heard and observed by the senses predominantly

Upset by

Unrighteousness of any kind. Hate sin. Fiery love for God.

People judging unrighteousness and disturbing the unity and peace. Also by people acting out of the boxes they have been placed in. Also when God moves out of the box He was placed in.

Things that unfamiliar are generally offensive for example feathers falling from heaven in a church.


Allow the Holy Spirit to be in control, even when we do not understand to trust in Him.

Want to control everything and everyone. Finds safety in predictability and manageability. Trust in

own understanding and knowledge


Live by the law of life in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:2)

Live by the Law of sin and death (Romans 8:2)

Love works

Is a natural outflow from the fruit of love

Is something to be strived towards

Live by



Standard used to judge others

Judge not anything, except in the Spirit when it is in love for the person himself or those who he or she is influencing due to deceptions being introduced (which could hurt them) or unrighteousness (which hurts God). Sometimes respond with an holy anger of God. The zeal for God, the love for Him, causes a hate for sin and unrighteousness like a consuming fire.

The standard we feel we are put under we put on others also, whether we can meet it ourselves or not.


Hate sin passionately. Deeply disturbed by people hurting or dishonoring God.

Mostly passive about sin in others except if it results in some personal threat or loss, which then causes offense and fear to judge.

How we see others

With the eyes of Jesus. Not looking for faults. Carrying truth with mercy around the neck (Proverbs 3)

Sin conscious. Irritated or upset by what is perceived as shortcomings in others, especially those claiming to live intimately with God or are spiritual.

Supernatural manifestations

Discern with the leading of the Holy Spirit prophetically what is from the Holy Spirit and what not.

Is not contrary to Gods word

Usually see all such as demonic or fake or alternatively embraces all as from God and looking for thrilling experiences that could be soothing to the soul.

Longing from God

For even deeper revelation about who He is. To know Him more intimately.

For soulish experiences with God. To be blessed. Or to have a successful ministry, work, family life etc.


In Christ alone

In subtle way to boast in self when rules are being kept, especially if it is being done better than peers, or when supernatural experiences are enjoyed. A sense of spiritual accomplishment is nurtured.


Is used to help in developing understanding and growing in Wisdom, but in itself it is not enough.

Puffs up

Need approval of

The Spirit of God

People and




Submitted to the Holy Spirit firstly

Submitted to soulish structures, people, systems, hierarchies etc.

Self-improvement programs

Appalled by it. Feel

like a

weight being put around the spirit.

Delighted by it, drawn to it, gives a sense of control.

Soulish conversations

Frustrated and feel contaminated by it

Delights and participate kindly

Sees love

As an outflow of a life of intimacy and love for God firstly. Receiving His love and giving it then away. Sometimes love hurts, because it cares more about the long term calling and destiny of a person than about it soulish comfort and delight. Is often considered rude when it loves the most and the deepest.

As accommodating all people, not stirring, making room for all people, never upsetting anybody or giving offense in any way, suppressing one’s own feelings for the sake of keeping the peace is often considered the ultimate of love.

Unity/ Oneness

Oneness with the Father and Jesus in the Holy Spirit, results in oneness with others who are also one with the Father and Jesus in the Holy Spirit. It is not a work of man, but a work of God.

Unity is aspired to with soulish efforts.

Resting in God

Means living from a place of intimacy with Him, resting in His life within us, laboring from the place of that rest, doing only what the Father shows.

Means to them to be relaxed and not to get worked up or disturbed about anything.


Live in New Covenant

Live in Old Covenant even when not realizing it

Measure my life against

The Word of God, as the Spirit leads, with inspiration and grace, not condemnation and burdens.

Other people








In tune with the Holy Spirit, in tune with one another. Divine Oneness.

Look for recipes to apply and rules to follow to work at my marriage and make my partner more happy


Living under the authority of the Holy Spirit

Places people on pedestals. Love to teach others how they need to respect others and honor people according to their positions. Always feel one needs human covering and condemn those who don’t.


Free to follow the Holy Spirit in finances as He leads.

Teaches rules about tithing. Condemns those who don’t

give “appropriately” within the system or alternatively offended by any mention about money or giving.


Focus on the Holy Spirit as teacher. Open towards people He wants to use in the process of teaching us.

Need other people (almost like mediators) to hear for me what God has on His heart and how He wants to teach me.


To the body of Christ

To a religious organization


The Sheep of Jesus Christ

The Sheep of Pastor or Reverent so and so.


Are not affected by human titles but look from a spiritual perspective

Influenced by human titles and positions.


Welcome sound doctrine in order to promote a sound mind through which the Spirit of God can move and bring about the mind of Christ to be revealed.

Look for doctrine to help us understand the rules

Judging mainly based on

Lie or Truth

Good or evil (based on our knowledge of good and evil) *

see tree of knowledge of good and evil


Stable in the spirit. But due to upset about sin and unrighteousness could be judged by soulish people as unstable at times.

Tossed by different teachings and streams or tossed by emotions or tossed by different intellectual convictions

Pattern or code of conduct (music etc.)

Judge not by natural eyes.

Limiting the Spirit to what is perceived to be orderly or acceptable by preconceived ideas. Style for example will be a consideration. Easily offended. Anything out of the “norm” for example clothing or overweight are immediately condemned.

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