Friday, 19 February 2010

Essence of Christianity: Power of the seed of God's Word

"We need to be pierced by the sword that proceeds out of Jesus' mouth. We need to hear and understand that He is the first and is the last. If we'"" feed from the Table of Showbread and see life from the perspective of the sabbath rest, we will witness the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ among us. This revelation will bring the Church into a place that's full of illumination and the candlestick will not be removed from our midst" Dr. Lynn Hiles (Christ's centrality - The Revelation of Jesus Christ)
The lie of the enemy is that we are born one with God, that we ourselves are god. Even though this is not true, through Calvary we can live from oneness with God, and renew our mind, by receiving the incorruptible seed of the Word of God. This seed will produce after it's kind.
See "The Incorruptible Seed" by Gary SiglerIt is important for a believer to regularly (preferably daily) feed on the words of God from the bible. It is nourishment to the Spirit and helps the believer to mature in Christ.Believers are encouraged to read the parable of the Sower in Matthew 13, which Jesus told in the bible when starting His ministry. Before anything else of the kingdom of Heaven can be taken hold of, the principle of the seed panted and the condition of the heart in order to contain that seed, so that the life of Christ can be manifested through the believer, is vital to understand. It is the seed in us that has the power to manifest the life of Christ in and through us. It is not by our own discipline, performances and self-effort that Christ gets manifested. It is a work of God, but we need to receive the Seed of God’s word with meekness. It glorifies the Father greatly when the seed of His Word produces a 100 fold return in us."When the Jews at Berea were confronted with the Gospel, “they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” (Acts 17:11) They were commended by God for examining the Scriptures themselves in order to “prove all things.” (I Thess. 5:21) Like the noble Bereans, those who desire to know the truth today will study the Scriptures to determine which Bible faithfully preserves the doctrines of the Christian faith

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