Friday, 19 February 2010

The tree of life, the Throne room, Christian mysticism and the global oneness commitment project

What is truth? What to believe? The world of “Spirituality” is flooded with so many views and forces. May this document bring a bright Light to millions of Truth seeking souls.Our visionActs 26:17,18"To open their eyes that they may turn from darkness to light and from the power of Satan to God, so that they may thus receive forgiveness and release from their sins and a place and a portion among those who are consecrated by faith in Me"The world is about to enter a new era. People are less and less content with empty religiosity and mere doctrines. They want to know and experience God. They want to awaken to spirituality. The battle is raging. Will this spirituality be based on true godly illuminism or will it be lucifarian illuminism? We are standing on the brink of something big. Will the world fall into a cliff or will it be the outbreak of the biggest global revival ever.....? God’s glory will fill the whole earth, will it be through this generation, or will we allow for the occult to sweep the earth first, while the church stands back with hands folded passively observing or criticizing, or even participating? Never has there be such a critical time as now.


“The vague and tenuous hope that God is too kind to punish the ungodly has become a deadly opiate for the consciences of millions” - A.W. Tozer

Paula Rinehart explains how constructs of God is being formed in the human mind.Human nature wants to fit God within a spiritual box and longs to construct a picture of Him accordingly. We want a hold on God. We grab to formulas and spiritual gurus or “know-how’s” to give us more definition and we continuously strive towards tangible evidence to set us at ease that things will work out the way we want them to.Slowly the walls of the box starts to dissolve as life happens, disappointments occur, and God seem to not stay within our mental box. This causes discomfort, confusion even deep upset and anger with God. This can be very frightening.Someone may realize that if the thing you feared had happened, then almost anything else is possible too, and that makes one feel terribly unsafe. Out of control. And o how our human nature wants to have control.“Can't I just return to the days when faith seemed sure and simple? Can't I just go back to where I was?” These are the kind of questions that often gets asked. We are uncomfortable with the tentative feel of faith.But when we reach that place, there is no going back. We find that our manageable belief system no longer works so well and the walls of the box has crumbled. God may begin to feel strangely absent, as though He has left us on our own to sort things out. Paula Rinehart explains: “Yet, in reality, what we are experiencing is this pain and confusion of letting go, not of God, but of the safe, secure, confines we built to house our concept of Him. God is not a concept to be mastered, a set of prescriptions we can control. He shows Himself to be much different than we thought - more loving, more exacting, more faithful” Her conclusion can be compared to what A.W Tozer said : “Much of our difficulty as seeking Christians stems from our unwillingness to take God as He is and adjust our lives accordingly. We insist upon trying to modify Him and bring Him nearer to our own image”. Oswald Chamber puts this a bit harsher: “If we have never had the experience of taking our commonplace religious shoes off our commonplace religious feet, and getting rid of all the undue familiarity with which we approach God, it is questionable whether we have ever stood in His presence. The people who are flippant and familiar are those who have never yet been introduced to Jesus Christ”. What this book aims to do is to bring Truth about God, not to put Him yet in another box, but to reveal more of who He reveals Himself to be, by the Spirit of Truth.Tamara Hartzell puts it bluntly by explaining how Truth becomes the sacrifice, when absolutism is out, and relativism is in; When obedience is out, and pragmatism is in: When teaching is out, and dialogue is in: When thus saith the Lord is out, and consensus of opinion is in: When using Scripture to judge right and wrong is out, and unity with tolerance at all costs is in: When the narrow way is out, and the broad way is in. Perhaps Tamara has a point. Let us further investigate.Over the years religious organizations, including Protestants and Catholics have put the Christian religion to shame. Brutal wars, immorality, greed, dishonesty and stiff-neck pride among leaders and organizations wearing the label “Christian” has made millions to run away from Christianity into the arms of Eastern religion gurus and teachers, who embraced them with beautiful words and promises of love.There are no excuses to be made. The name of Christ had been dishonored. And the type of Christianity displayed at large has but very little to do with Jesus Christ, His life and what He came to establish. If one is however an honest truth seeker, we have to look past those offenses, of “so called” Christians, and give “True Christianity” in the authentic sense of what it is and was meant to be an honest look. This is what is intended to be done in this document.KW Kenyon put it well: "Christianity is not a religion. It is not a system of ethics. It is not a set of rules to guide man's conduct, but it is a union with Deity" If this is the truth, then surely, those living in the deepest of darkness, claiming to be “Christian” had nothing to do with Christianity, in this sense. As the God of the bible, is Holy. And to be in union with Him, could never mean to live still in such deep darkness. “The sacred page is not meant to be the end, but only the means toward the end, which is knowing God himself”. A.W. Tozer. The question to be asked is : Can we know God ourselves. Personally. Intimately. Or are these just words? And does the True Christian religion has this to offer? And how does this compare to what Eastern religion practices lays on the table?This will be discussed within this book. The truth alone can set people free!We have found that it is one thing to know doctrines of truth. It is quite another thing to have Truth in the innermost man.

Introduction: Liew in "The New Earth"

What is the truth?Flowers indeed are not linked to survival.Exploding with colour and scent they remind us that life is not there only to rush through and achieve some man made productivity targets. They remind us that there are more to life. They feed the spirit of man. They make the sensitive soul come to a halt, kneel down, admire and breathe in beauty.They reveal a glimpse of the beauty of God. And the beauty that life is supposed to hold within.We may be able to exist without flowers, but can we truly live without them, without beauty, without worship, without wonder.....Jesus tells us to learn from the flowers, about how God clothe them, and about how God will clothe us, when we trust Him. Jesus encourage us to consider the lilies of the field, how they grow, they toil not, neither do they spin: and yet not even kings are arrayed like one of these. If God so clothe the grass of the field, which today is and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not clothe us?(Mat 6:29)Seeing beauty in a flower could awaken humans, however briefly, to the beauty that is in God. And seeing God in any form, prompts the heart to want to worship Him. Lest our hearts not be darkened. For the invisible things of God are clearly seen from the creation of the word, thus we have no excuse if we do not glorify God but live unto ourselves. (Rom 1:21) So, flowers does become, like Eckart says, messagers from another realm, like a bridge between the world of physical realm and the spiritual. They do carry a fragrance from the realm of spirit. All beauty shows us to Jesus, who is the express image of God’s person, upholding all things by the word of his power(Heb 1:3) Flowers thus enlighten us towards worship of God as flowers reveals a glimps of the great Artist, just like a painting says something of it’s designer.Once a person has stood in the presence of the living God and has been touched by the Spirit of the Most High, there is indeed a transformation, and a recognision of His hand in all things.Just as the earth was without form, and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep, us humans find ourselves in darkness, void, empty in need of a touch of God. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. In like way the Spirit of God hovers upon our deep. But when the Word of God was spoken, when it was said “let there be light”, the Spirit took the Word and created accordingly. In like way we need the Word of God spoken in our lives, so the Spirit of God can bring light, can bring about new life, can seperate the waters of the soul and the spirit, and bring forth colourful and beautiful creations manifesting the nature of God within us.Is humanity ready for this transformation? The Spirit of God is yet again hovering over the deep of human spirits. It is time for the Word of God to go out, so that light and life can be quickened and the glory of God can be revealed in the time of the greatest awakening of human history. A time where the earth will be filled with colourful spiritual creations. A new earth. A new day. But who will bring the Word of God for the people of today?Will humanity let go of their preconceived conceptions about who God is and how He wants to work and embrace the working of His Spirit as the Wind of the Spirit is blowing upon the earth, on the waters, on the deep? Will they let go of their identification with earthly things, fleshly things, and will they take the leap of faith, to put their trust in Jesus Christ, and allow the identity of Christ to become their life?The possibility of such a transformation has been the central message of the wisdom of God revealed through the apostle Paul.The lives and words of Spirit filled messangers of God can be seen as signposts towards this spiritual awakening.The apostle Paul in 1 Cor 15:34 cries out to believers to awake to righteousness and to sin not more, for some have not the knowledge of God, and this was spoken to their shame. It is a time for the world, to awaken unto righteousness and unto the knowledge of God!Our wrestle, our true wrestle is not against flesh and blood, not even against our own flesh (and sinful habits), but it is agains the principalities and powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph 6:12). The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, but Jesus came that we can have life and have it abundantly (John 10:10). The thief steals, kills and destroys primarly through lies. The devil is a liar and the father thereof (John 8:44). Those who are not of Christ is of their father the devil (John 8:44). Only when we know the Truth, the Truth shall set us free from the many prisons we find ourselves in (John 8:32). But we are warned that the devil comes as an angel of light. Let us not marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light (2 Cor 11:14). Therefore also that the apostle Paul warned so earnestly, that even if an angel of light brings to you another gospel than what he brought, let him be accursed (Gal 1:8). Truth always sets free, it never binds. But lies sometimes looks good. When we judge things from our human understanding. So we are encouraged to test all things against scripture. And those in Thessalonica were praised by the Spirit of Truth for searching the scriptures daily to see if those things that were taught to them were so. (Acts 17:11)We are warned in Scripture about great deceptions to come in the last days. Therefore take heed that you be not deceived (Luke 21:8)Let us awaken unto the knowledge of God in Truth, not in deception. And let the veil be lifted from our eyes to see God the way He wants to reveal Himself to us in these times.There is indeed a dysfunction within the human race. Whatever it may be called. And sin is indeed to miss the mark, and creation is stained with sin.But what does it mean to miss the mark? What is the mark?Jesus Himself explained to us what sin is (Joh 16:9). Sin is not to believe in Jesus Christ. That is sin. When we do not believe in Him, we miss the mark. When our belief is in ourselves, in other people, in circumstances, in anything else but Him, we are sinning. When we trust ourselves, or a system, or a religious organization, or a guru, or our own spirituality, to work about eternal life for us, and do not realize that Jesus alone is the way, Savior, Redeemer, Lord and in Him alone is the Source of all life, light and love, we are sinning.So we are to stop sinning and awake unto righteousness. We are to stop thinking ourselves to be god, and to trust in our own understanding, and trust in Him with all our hearts. (Prov 3:8) Righteousness are only to be found in Him. Redemption is possible no other way. And eternal life is found in Him.The blindness that comes to us when we lean on ourselves, and fall into the same trap as Eve, not to eat and live from the Tree of Life, Jesus Christ, but to be enticed by the tree of knowledge of good and evil, to eat from it, to live from it, to strive towards independance, hardens our hearts, and takes us away from eternal life, which is, to know Him. This is eternal life, to know the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom He has sent (Joh 17:3)To try and improve ourselves by dependance on ourselves, we do not deal with the root of the dysfunction. We do not become good by trying to be good, but by finding the goodness that is in Christ, by receiving Christ as our life. But as many as received Him (Jesus Christ), to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name (Joh 1:12)God hath called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to this own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began (2Tim 1:9). Salvation/ transformation, is not something to be earned. It is something to be received. God wants all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth (1 Ti 2:4). For by grace we are saved through faith, and that not of ourselves, it is the gift of God (Eph 2:8)To recognize one’s inward state, our absolute need of the grace of God, is indeed the arising of sanity. This is when we can come running into the arms of a loving Savior, who wants to bestow grace upon us, and work in us the transformation of being crucified with Him and to rise up on the third day with Him in a new life. (Hosea 6:1,2), from where our lives will not be our own anymore, but we will be crucified with Christ and the life we now live is the life of Christ, a new man being formed, which is alone a work of God, activated by our believing in Jesus Christ.How deep and profound is the mystery of the cross. How unsearchable the riches of Christ!!!
Deception identified in the book “The New Earth” from Eckhart Tolle
1.Description of the development on the earth starting on chapter 1, not in line with Scripture. See also the following link on quantum physics
2.Eckard says “Jesus tells us to contemplate the flowers and learn from the how to live”. Jesus did not say that Eckard. The context in Scripture was a teaching from Jesus not to be concerned about anything, for our heavenly Father will clothe us and feed us, therefore look at the birds and the lilies…Mat 6:30. I agree with you that flowers speak to us with a message from the spiritual realm. As you will see in my summary above, I agree with you on many things. You do not only speak lies, but do bring also phinominal truths to the reader. But truth mixed with lies is still a lie. And we can not twist Jesus’s words to make it say what we want it to say. We need to honour and respect the living Word. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom, and “cherry picking’” Jesus’s words to make it serve us and our purposes, instead of bowing and submitting to the authority of God’s Word is how deception slips in.
3.The innermost nature of every person that is living under the law of sin and death is not beautiful as you state Eckart. It is only when we live from the law of life in Christ Jesus, that we are set free from the law of sin and death.(Rom 8:2) The law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death.
4. All beauty shows us to Jesus and should lead us to worship, it is not given so we can worship ourselves. Jesus is the exact representation of the Father. (Heb 1:3)
5.Yes Eckart we need enlightenment, illuminism, but we don’t need Lucifarian Illuminism, the way Eve got it when eating from the (“Gnostic”) Tree of knowledge of good and evil, but we need true Godly enlightenment, Illuminism, and that comes only by revelation of the Spirit of God, by the Spirit of Wisdom and revelation. (See Eph 1:17 regarding the spirit of wisdom and revelation and speaking the wisdom of God in mystery)Fear of the Lord, the bible says, is the beginning of wisdom. (Psa 111:10) Any wisdom that doesn’t start with the fear of the Lord is not godly wisdom, but is the wisdom of this world, the Illuminism of Lucifer, the mysteries of the universe, that is indeed enticing. It was enticing to Eve, even in her state of perfection. It is enticing to you. And to many. But, dear Eckardt, it doesn’t lead to life, to the contrary...
6. You are talking about an awakening that is necessary, and I agree. But not the type that you are talking about. The awakening necessary is an awakening unto the life of Christ, perfect righteousness with God through His sacrifice (not our performances), by grace through faith, a life hidden with God in Christ. 1Co 15:34 “Awake to righteousness...”
7. You talk about identity. We need to find our identity not in some “contiousness” state. We need to find our identity in Christ. I agree, not in our role playing, not in our functions and money and what others think of us, but in Christ. But in Christ. Col 3:3
8. Christ is not our own inner consciousness. Jesus is the Christ. The bible makes it clear. You do not have the spirit of Christ by default. See Rom 8:9 and Mat 16:16
9. Our soul consists of our emotions and intellect. What I call soul, you call “ego”. Whatever it be called, you are correct, that we are to live from the spirit and not from the soul (or ego). There we will enter the place of rest in God. But you can not enter that place without the blood of Jesus Christ. The place of God’s rest is in the Holy of Holies. The veil that had kept people out had been torn during the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Now we can all enter in. Through the blood of Jesus. There is no other way. If you connect with “Source” in another way, you are connecting with Lucifer and not with God. You are resting in Lucifer, not in God. He (Lucifer) comes as an angel of light, pretending to love, pretending to bring peace and joy, but it is not true love, it is not true peace and it is not true joy. It is a counterfeit. It is an utter deceit. We need Jesus Christ. There would be no reason for God to slay His beloved son if His blood was not necessary for the remission of our sins and for us to have fellowship with a Holy God. Mercy triumphed justice, on the cross. Justice was satisfied. God is righteous. The cross was God’s master plan, to redeem the world unto Himself. He who remain and always will be perfectly Holy, perfectly just and perfectly righteous, could not bring us unto Himself any other way. See 1Pe 2:11
10. Sin is indeed to miss the mark, yes. But we miss the mark when we do not fulfill our Godly calling and obey God in what He calls us to do. And for all of us, He has called us to glorify Him, and not ourselves. (See Rom 1:18,19,21)Our basic sin is when we do not believe, for we can only glorify God the way we should when we enter into oneness with Christ through believing in Him. See John 16:7,10
11. Original sinSee excellent explanation against what traditional Christians taught about original sin, but also against what you are saying about it. Foundational Truths
12.You say “You do not become good by trying to be good, but by finding the goodness that is already within you, and allowing that goodness to emerge”. Yes, Amen! But that is only when Christ is your life. When you have not been crucified with Christ and risen up in a new life with Him, you have not the life of Christ in you. And being crucified with Christ and rising up in a new life with Him does not come through striving, it comes by the grace of God, through believing in Jesus Christ of Nasareth. See 1Jn 4:3 . When you say that the Christ is your (our) own inherent consciousness and not that Jesus is the Christ that came in the flesh, you are speaking from the spirit of the antichrist.
13. True Oneness with one another, is when we have found our Oneness with Christ. It is vertical first, then horizontal. Me and you for example can not be one, as things are currently, for you are not in Christ, you do not believe on Him as your Savior, as your Redeemer. You follow eastern ways, not the ways of Yahweh. See Joh 17:11 regarding Oneness the way God intended it. See also Moving on to perfection and Oneness with God section in this document.
14. You talk about Gnosticism and mysticism (which relates to Babilonian mysticism) that came into existence in the early and medieval Christianity, but that is a sad fact, not something that Christians should get excited about. See section revealing the truth about Theosophy elsewhere on this site.The snake has moved himself right into our midst and believers are being devoured by wolves, running into the arms of Lucifer and the occult without even realizing it. Do you know who Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and C.W. Leadbeater was? Have you read up about her life? I challenge you to do so dear Eckard. In Mat 22:29 Jesus said to those that were deceived that they err, and points out how they do not know the scriptures nor the power of God.All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for correction, for instruction in righteousness (see 2 Tim 3:16). If whatever we feel inside is true, then we wouldnt need to submit ourselves to the correction of the scriptures. But when we live from the Truth, which is Jesus Christ, the truth of Christ will never be contrary to the truth of Scripture. Yet, the letter kills, but the Spirit brings life, the Scriptures needs to be read with the Holy Spirit, else it can not bring life.15. I agree with you that a specific set of beliefs are not what is absolute truth. Absolute Truth is a person, Jesus Christ. And when He has become my life, I live a life from Truth, and from the spirit I can discern all things and know truth. But Truth is not some Cherry picking thing I can decide on for myself and discard at will. For the human nature and the human spirit in itself is not truth. Only when the Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Christ has been poured out into the human spirit, by a transformational miracle that happens when we through believing in Christ get buried with Him and rise up in a new life with Him, only then do we have Truth, Absolute Truth, within.You say : “There is only one absolute Truth, and all other truths emanate from it”. I agree. You say: “When you find that Truth, your actions will be in alignment with it.” I agree, if you flow and live from that Truth. You say: “Can the Truth be put into words? Yes, but the words are, of course not it. They only point to it”. I agree. You say: “The truth is inseparable from who you are. Yes you are the Truth” Not exactly. Christ is the Truth. When I abide in Him, I will manifest Truth. You point how Jesus said “I am the way and the truth and the life” Yes. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. I am that not apart from Him. Apart from Him I can do nothing. It is via the Spirit of Truth that I am joined with Jesus, just as Jesus was joined to the Father via the Spirit of Truth. Jesus lived dependently from the Father. Jesus said in John 5:30 “I can of mine self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just, because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me”As Jesus lived in dependence on the Father, in Oneness with Him, we are to live dependently on the Father, in Oneness with Him. Not seeking our own will. But the will of the Father. In all things. At all times. Jesus did not come to earth to show us that we are gods. He came to lay down His life, so we can enter through His blood into a life of intimacy with the Father. But anything that is not about glorifying the Father, is sin. We miss the mark when we live for ourselves and not for Him and His glory.16. You say : “Once you realize and accept that all structures (forms) are unstable, even the seemingly solid material ones, peace arises within you. This is because the recognition of the impermanence of all forms awakens you to the dimension of the formless within yourself, that which is beyond death. Jesus called it “eternal life”. That is not true Eckhart. Let’s look at what Jesus called eternal life as per the scripture Joh 17:3 “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent”John 3:16 “And this is life eternal, that they migt know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.For God so loved the world, that the gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.We will perish if we do not believe in Jesus Christ, and there is no way to have eternal life, knowing the only true God, if not through Jesus Christ, by believing in Him.
Closing remarks: There are much more I can say about the books. These 16 points are not all the lies, there are many more, but I highlighted a few. Apart from the lies there are also beautiful truths you bring Eckhart, and for somebody that lives in Christ, it can enhance and enrich our awareness of what it is to live a life in awareness of the life of Christ inside of the believer. But my conclusion is that even though you have in dept understanding of many things, your starting point is wrong, your foundation is not Jesus the Christ, the Son of the living God, and therefore whatever insight you built on top of that foundation would not ultimately bring life to the audience. It can not.

Introduction : "The New Earth" Review

Book comments : A new earth by Eckardt Tolle
Eckardt Tolle provides New Age teachings, which really is not that “new” in a modern way.To compare his teachings with two other streams of belief, find below a table


Tolle outlining New Age understanding

Concervative religious understanding

Spiritual Christianity

The spirit man

Defined as “consciousness”

Is often not even recognized. Lives mainly from the mind and the emotions

The spirit, having received the Holy Spirit of God

The true identity

The true self I just need to become aware of (consciousness, the spirit)

My self

Christ is my life. Have been crucified with Christ, I no longer live but Christ in me is now my life.


My consciousness

The Spirit of Jesus, the Spirit of Truth


My own consciousness

Seen as a set of doctrines

Jesus is Truth. His Spirit in me is Truth.

Death to Ego

Death to mind. Alive to consciousness

Death to the old man. Crucified with Christ. Alive to Christ.


Created by own consciousness

Determined by God





With one another through connected consciousness, connected also to Source. A horizontal connectedness

Connected with God through the Spirit of Christ, connected to those who are also in Christ because of vertical connectedness.


Theosophy, Gnosticism, Mysticism

Holy Spirit through the Scriptures


“Awakening” to consciousness

Revelation by the Holy Spirit of the Christ Life





Believe self to be the light

Belief systems considered to b e the light

The Holy Spirit inside and upon me is the light to shine to the world


Nirvana. Total surrenderedness to Lucifer.

Total Oneness with God. God sowed His Son and reaped many sons like Him


To be tolerant with all people

Jesus said I did not come to bring peace but the Sword.

The World

To be one

Scripture says that friendship with the world is enmity with God.


Considered good, wise



Lucifarian illuminism

Godly illuminism

Tree eaten from

Of knowledge of good and evil

Of Life, Jesus Christ


Eros human love

Agape Godly love


To consciousness

To Christ

Global oneness drive

Is it possible to reconcile the biblical God with the God described by the Global Oneness Commitment Project? That is an important question to be honestly answered.
In a nutshell, the global initiatives steer towards global integration. There is however one area that can never be integrated and that is occultism with true biblical based Christianity. Just as darkness and light can not be integrated there is no integration possible between Lucifarianism and Christianity. The strong drive towards integration has so far managed to dim the borders between Christian spirituality and occult spirituality, creating the illusion that spirituality is all the same thing.

Global oneness drive : Comparitive table

Within the Kingdom of Light

Within the Kingdom of Darkness


Within the Kingdom of Light (Jesus Christ is the only Way)

Within the Kingdom of Darkness : White Occultism (with an appearance of good)

Within the Kingdom of Darkness: Black Occultism (evil)


Eating from the Tree of Life

Eating from the Tree of knowledge of good and evil


Living under the law of life in Christ Jesus.

(Romans 8:2

"For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death". (NKJV))

Living under the law of sin and death (Romans 8:1-2)

Living under the law of sin and death (Romans 8:1-2)


Prophecy by the Holy Spirit, through the spirit of man.

Divination, channeling



Dreams by the Holy Spirit

Dreams from the soul of man or from the occult

Evil nightmares


Number interpretation by the Holy Spirit based on biblical principles



Worship dancing through the Holy Spirit

Occult dances


Prophetic art by inspiration of the Holy Spirit

Occult inspired art

Spirit transportation

Transportation by the Holy Spirit (like Philip in the bible)

Astral travel

Seeing in the spirit realm

Seeing by the help of the Holy Spirit into the 2nd and especially also the 3rd heaven as and when it pleases the Holy Spirit.

Permanent opening of the 3rd eye


Oneness with the Father and with Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. Oneness with one another who are in Christ.

Oneness with Lucifer & Oneness with others in Lucifer


The Messiah, the Anointed one, Jesus the Christ.

Said to be the god concealed to be in every person. Distorts the scriptures


Living dependant upon God in everything. Living from the Tree of Life.

Living independently. Eating and living from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.


Saved by grace through belief in Jesus Christ

Improve personal condition through striving to adhere to universal principles

Striving to gain more demonic power through evil rituals

Healing and signs & wonders

By the Holy Spirit

Healing practices by the occult and magic. Also using crystals in the occult practices

Curses, sickness, death, torment


Eyes only on Jesus Christ. No focus on self. All the glory given to Him in all things. Trusting in Him with all your heart and not to lean on your own understanding. Totally dependant upon the Father in all things.

False Humility. Concealed and masked pride.


The Name of Jesus

Has power and authority over all powers of darkness

Does not eagerly acknowledge the power of the name of Jesus, but can not resist it when it is used. Every demon from hell has to bow to the authority of Jesus Christ.

Does not eagerly acknowledge the power of the name of Jesus, but can not resist it when it is used. Every demon from hell has to bow to the authority of Jesus Christ.

The Bible

True meaning of the Scriptures opened up to the believer by the Holy Spirit

Scriptures are twisted and distorted to bring people into deception

Satanic bible


Meditation on the Word of God

Meditation, chanting - to empty the mind


Submitted to the Holy Spirit

In Rebellion to the Holy Spirit and the ways of God. The bible says that Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.

In Rebellion to the Holy Spirit and the ways of God. The bible says that Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.

Global oneness drive : Christianity and the bible

As a Christian, taking the Bible as being true about everything to which it speaks, and it speaks to everything, it is the duty of the Christian believer to weigh everything against Scripture.
"When the Jews at Berea were confronted with the Gospel, “they received the word with all readiness of mind and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” (Acts 17:11) They were commended by God for examining the Scriptures themselves in order to “prove all things.” (I Thess. 5:21) Like the noble Bereans, those who desire to know the truth today will study the Scriptures to determine which Bible faithfully preserves the doctrines of the Christian faith.

2 Timothy 3:16 says “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (NKJV)

Global oneness drive : Goal of the global oneness commitment project

The details of one Global Oneness Commitment Project can be found at the website : Global Oneness co creating a happy world, . The Project’s goal are outlined as follows: “The Global Oneness Commitment is an eight-year project with the goal of uniting people around the globe to mutual actions in order to not only save what we have, but to transform the planet thru an increase in spiritual awareness – a new consciousness creating a joyful home for all its inhabitants and sincere respect for all forms of life. The project is synchronized with the twin Venus Transit of 2004 and 2012. It starts with the first Venus transit of June 8th 2004 and ends with the second Transit June 6th 2012”

For other sites about Golbal Oneness initiatives see Care2: Globaloneness & Oneness Spirituality & Interview Oneness

Berit Kjos explains how there can be no integration between Christianity and Global Oneness in his book, Under the spell of Mother earth, 1995 “Those who are joined to Him through the cross, know His Word, and follow His ways can enjoy genuine and unbroken oneness of mind and purpose. "We have the mind of Christ," wrote Paul. If we allow Him to be our wisdom and guide, He will build a community of caring people, "like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose" (I Corinthians 2:16; Philippians 2.2). Those who seek oneness through counterfeit gods, spirits or forces will eventually find the opposite: confusion instead of harmony, and hatred instead of love. The "mind" people follow will determine their destiny” He also warns Christians to prepare for persecution

Global oneness drive : Nature of God as per the global oneness commitment project

In the article provided by the Global Oneness Commitment Project to Define the Nature of God (Definition of Metaphysics : Nature of God, By Times of India)
it is described how, since God is self-reliant and the world is a manifestation of God’s energy, we could call God: “Self-energetic Beingness”. It is also concluded by them that it is a blissful state of Being.

The important question to ask now is, is this definition of the Nature of God in line with the way He reveals Himself in Scripture (in the Bible?), or is this a man-mind definition of God? Surely the important thing is what does God think about this definition of Him. Would HE agree? Just because something sound goods or wise or impressive or soothing to the ear doesn’t make it true.

Is there any place is Scripture where God reveals Himself as “self-energetic Beingness?” There is no scripture in the bible whatsoever that reveals God as that.

It is indeed clearly stated in Scripture that God is Spirit (John 4:24), but He is not a mere force, neither is He a pantheistic totality and unity of all that exists. He is indeed distinct from His creation and is a true Person. Would the Global Oneness Commitment Project agree with this?

The Person of God, as not being a collective force, is confirmed by Scripture in many places, such as Isaiah 1:18, God has intellect “Come now, let us reason together, saith the Lord” (KJV)

God also has the ability to feel affection with one’s spirit as shown by Exodus 4:14 “And the anger of the Lord was kindled against Moses” and also in Ephesians 4:30 “And grieve not the Holy Spirit of God…”.

God also has a will. He chooses a course of action. In Genesis 1:3 He says “let there be light” and there was light.

God appreciated the works that He made in Genesis 1:31 “And God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good” In Isaiah 53:10 God was pleased to bruise His Son for our sin and our iniquity.
God is also creator of heaven and earth (Genesis 1:1 and Col 1:16).

He is the one that promised in Hosea 14:4 to heal the backsliding of those that turned from Him. He is a patient God. Nehemiah 9:17b “..but You are God, ready to pardon, Gracious and merciful, Slow to anger, abundant in kindness, and did not forsake them. Even when they made a molded calf for themselves, and said, “This is your god that brought you up out of Egypt” (NKJV) Surely God today still patient with so many people who made golden calves, mental constructs in their mind, and worshipped that in stead of Him, the True God.

Didn’t Scripture warn us in 2 Timothy 4:3,4 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth and be turned aside to fables. But you be watchful in all things…”

Global oneness drive : Idealism philosophy

In another article provided by the Global Oneness Commitment project, “Definition of Metaphysics: Idealism” by Times of India, an argument is made that everything that exists are mental and nothing can be immediately known except what is in the mind. At the end the conclusion is reached that “We can never truly judge whether something, with which we are not acquainted, actually exists!”
Again the question is, is this a valid argument and world-view? Idealism is a philosophy that emphasizes mind over matter and claiming that behind all reality is a divine mind, moving the world toward good. Christian Science has strongly promoted this philosophy and for example will argue that no sickness is real, it is only real in the mind and for decades Christian Science was the matriarch of the Mind Science family.

When we look at the philosophy of Mary Ann Borse Baker (better known as Mary Baker Eddy), we do not find a Scriptural account of who God is. As per Walter Martin it is important to remember that Eddy never believed in a personal God. Her theology only permitted an “it” for a god and apart from adoring this pantheistic impersonal deity, Eddy and her followers expounds this principle as the master key to resolve all human misery. Paradoxically, however, they deny misery exists in the first place but always try to convince anyone, who will listen, that Christian Science can remove this ‘error of mortal mind” through “prayer”. However, this prayer is not to a personal God. Eddy many times reaffirmed her convictions that prayer to a personal hindrance is not a help, but a hindrance. It seems that to them, the only true prayer is the affirmation of Principle Alertness the identification of one’s self with this pantheistic Principle.

Whenever they encounter evil they deny its reality; whenever they behold misery, they affirm its nonexistence; and even when death comes to a loved one, they simply assert that is an “illusion”, since Principle (God) is All, and “It” is good. Walter Martin exposes the deceit of Christian Science, how most illnesses “cured” by Christian Scientists are imagined illnesses that lack medical documentation and are seldom thoroughly verified by anyone other than the follower of Eddy or their sympathizer and also explains how towards the end of her life she allowed Christian Scientists the right to use anesthetics, surgery and the services of orthopedists for breaks and fractures etc. She herself also made use of doctors for her spasmodic attacks of hysteria.
It will appear that the philosophy of Christian Science and that of the Global Oneness Commitment Project with regards to the concept of “Idealism” corresponds, but this image of God and how He expects us to live can not be reconciled with Scripture and with the Biblical God. God is not pantheistic in any sense. Romans 1:25 “Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lust of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves.

who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen”
The bulk of what is typically labeled “Body, mind, soul” could be traced back to a combination of Gnosticism and Mysticism. Mysticism includes a wide range of categories. For a more detailed look at the different varieties included in this category see the website of the Global Oneness Commitment Project

It includes categories as: Aura reading, Chakra awakening, Consciousness teachings, Dream interpretation (there is also a Christian dream interpretation but it differs vastly from the occult counterfeit), Enlightenment (Illuminism), Feng Shui, Hypnosis, Karma teachings, Kundalini (False Holy Spirit), Yoga, Astrology, Palm reading, Reincarnation teachings, Occult art music and dance, occult healing (including crystal healing), Theosophy (theosophy is openly associated with the Occult)

Different forms of Mysticisms are embraced as all forming part of the category “mysticism”. There is Hindu mysticism, Chinese mysticism, “Christian” mysticism (which is not Christian in this context!!!), Islamic mysticism, Jewish mysticism (Cabbala) and Other mysticism, to make room for everybody under the Gnostic Mysticism umbrella.

This all forms part of the Global Oneness initiative, to unite all and all religions into one mysticism religion.
As indicated in the earlier diagram, that everything that relates to spirituality and a feeling of Oneness with the divine, are not necessarily from the same source. Everything that is rooted in the occult (demonic) has it’s origin from the Kingdom of Darkness
. Even when it seems to have an appearance of wisdom or an appearance of good, it has nothing to do with True Christianity, as can be seen from the testimonies provided of people being delivered out of the occult towards true Christianity by the power of the Holy Spirit. Everything that looks good is not necessarily good.In Proverbs 14:12 the bible says “There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death"

C.W. Leadbeater (33 degree Freemason and Lucifarian) and Madame Blavatsky travelled together to spread the teachings of Theospohy globally.
Jesus said that He did not come to bring peace, but the Sword. A “Jesus” that is mainly interested in joining everybody into one global religion, is definitely not the Jesus of the bible, and would fit in perfectly with the goals of the Illuminati The Sword of His Word brings a divide, and separates darkness from light.

Global oneness drive : Other shocking articles

Reinventing the world

Touched by an angel - but which kind?

The new type of church that is emerging

From Father God to mother earth

How mysticism and the occult is changing the earth

Freemasonry : Roots and links to the occult

Establishing a global spirituality

The power of suggestion

Twisting faith and finance in a Global Order

Forcing change

The earth has become the focal point of worship

The rising acceptance of eastern spirituality within churches

One world, One money

Bridging politics and religion for global unification

Lucifer rising 1

Lucifer rising 2

Lucifier rising 3

21 Goals of the Illuminati

The United States presidents : The Illuminati and Freemasonry Power Structure